Effects of Goal-Setting and Relational Intelligence on Nascent Business Owners’ Entrepreneurial Motivation in Oyo Town, Nigeria


  • Victor Ayodeji FEHINTOLA Department of Educational Psychology, Federal College of Education (Special) Oyo, Nigeria
  • Olasunkanmi James ADELEYE Department of Social Science and Humanities Education, School of General Education, Federal College of Education (Special) Oyo, Nigeria


Entrepreneurial motivation, Entrepreneurial self-efficacy, Goal-setting and Relational intelligence training


Entrepreneurial Motivation (EM) is vital to entrepreneurship success in, despite the significance many nascent entrepreneurs struggle with low motivation. Earlier research focused on traditional modes business planning, financial management and operational efficiency rather than goal setting and relational efficiency. This study, therefore, explored the effects of Goal-setting (GST) and Relational Intelligence Training (RIT) in fostering EM among nascent entrepreneurs in Oyo Town, Nigeria. The moderating effect Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy (ESe) was examined. The study was guided by McClelland’s Human Motivation and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theories provided the framework, the study adopted the pretest-post-test, control group, quasi-experimental design with a 3×3 factorial matrix. Participants were chosen using multi-stage sampling technique, from three purposively chosen local government areas. The cluster sampling technique was adopted in choosing relevant business-related associations in each selected LGA. With the aid of the screening instrument, nascent entrepreneurs whose business owners have low motivation were purposively selected (Oyo East – 20, Oyo West – 20 and Atiba – 18). The instruments used were EM (α=.84) and ESe (α=.90) scales. The training lasted nine weeks. Analysis of covariance and Bonferroni post-hoc were used to analyse the data at 0.05 level of significance. There were significant main effects of training on EM (F(2; 45)=6.46; partial η2=0.22). Entrepreneurs in RIT had the highest adjusted mean score (99.57) followed by those in the GST (94.14) and the control (81.96) groups on EM. The two-way interaction effect of ESe on EM was not significant. Goal-setting and relational intelligence training fostered entrepreneurial motivation of nascent entrepreneurs in Oyo Town, Nigeria. Personnel psychologists, human resource managers and entrepreneurs should utilise these interventions.

Author Biographies

Victor Ayodeji FEHINTOLA, Department of Educational Psychology, Federal College of Education (Special) Oyo, Nigeria

Department of Educational Psychology, Federal College of Education (Special) Oyo, Nigeria

Olasunkanmi James ADELEYE, Department of Social Science and Humanities Education, School of General Education, Federal College of Education (Special) Oyo, Nigeria

Department of Social Science and Humanities Education, School of General Education, Federal College of Education (Special) Oyo, Nigeria




How to Cite

FEHINTOLA, V. A., & ADELEYE, O. J. (2025). Effects of Goal-Setting and Relational Intelligence on Nascent Business Owners’ Entrepreneurial Motivation in Oyo Town, Nigeria. Ilorin Journal of Education, 45(2), 587–601. Retrieved from https://ije.unilorinedu.sch.ng/index.php/ije/article/view/277