Articulating Career Counselling through Edupreneurship for the 21st Century Nigeria Youth


  • Okunlade Kamoli ADERONMU Federal College of Education (Special), Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria


Career counselling, Edupreneurship, 21st century, Connectivisms, RIASEC


The 21st century youth is unique in many ways. The 21st century youth is much more exposed and susceptible to the influences of people whose real presence, he/she may never witness, which buttresses connectivism's idea hence the need for proper counselling. With the exposure of 21st-century students to technology, they live their dependent life on the internet and social media. 21st century youth career choice in relation to the perception of Holland based on his theory of personalities with acronyms RIASEC was discussed. Necessary skills required for career choice that relate to the work environment in the 21st century such as learning skill, literacy skill and life skill were discussed also. However, the review articulates this time youth in a career with the application of learning at conveniences with the involvement of various designs, applications and programmes. The edupreneurship programme is a suitable asset for this youth as it focuses on innovation, solutions, products and services that improve the way of learning and ease accessibility for information. Therefore, this paper focuses on articulating career counselling through edupreneurship for the 21st century Nigeria youth.

Author Biography

Okunlade Kamoli ADERONMU, Federal College of Education (Special), Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria

Federal College of Education (Special), Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria




How to Cite

ADERONMU, O. K. (2025). Articulating Career Counselling through Edupreneurship for the 21st Century Nigeria Youth. Ilorin Journal of Education, 45(2), 137–145. Retrieved from